Reviewing “For the Love of Country:Leave the Democratic Party Behind”

From Southwest Ledger Stop me if you have heard this before. The Democratic Party is threatening our freedom and democracy. Its leaders care more about power than safety. By trying to remove Donald Trump from the election ballot they are killing the democratic process. They are using the criminal justice system as a tool against … Continue reading Reviewing “For the Love of Country:Leave the Democratic Party Behind”

Prevailing Winds: Switching Political Parties over Candidate Support

In a recent CNN interview, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski hinted that he she is considering leaving the Republican Party. Murkowski has been a long-time opponent of former President Donald Trump and is struggling with the idea of Trump leading her party. Murkowski is not the first to leave the party over a personality, and historically … Continue reading Prevailing Winds: Switching Political Parties over Candidate Support

Mayorkas’ Impeachment Charges Echo Those of Former Sec. of War with Ties to Oklahoma

From Southwest Ledger Last month Congress made the historic decision to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. With immigration being one of the hottest political issues of the day, Republicans impeached the secretary on charges of being “engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties…[and] has failed to faithfully uphold his … Continue reading Mayorkas’ Impeachment Charges Echo Those of Former Sec. of War with Ties to Oklahoma